domingo, 12 de agosto de 2007

God bless the goddamned hippies

I don't understand how come you're gone, man.
I don't understand why half the world is still crying, man, when the other half of the world is still crying too, man, I can't get it together.
I mean, if you got a cat for one day, man — I mean, if you, say, say, if you want a cat for 365 days, right — You ain't got him for 365 days, you got him for one day, man.

Well I tell you… that one day, man… better be your life, man.
Because, you know, you can say, oh man, you can cry about the other 364, man, but you're gonna lose that one day, man, and that's all you've got.
You gotta call that love, man. That's what it is, man.
If you got it today you don't want it tomorrow, man.
'Cause you don't need it.
'Cause, as a matter of fact, as we discovered in the train, tomorrow never happens, man.
It's all the same fucking day, man.

Right, man?

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